Namaste Tribe, curated by Brenda Amador Schulz, is an organization offering holistic services, private and community events, wellness presentations for organizations, home health and artisan shopping with Tribe Boutique for individuals, families, communities & artisans on the journey of Self-Love.

The Art of Love is a loving practice that is attained when one is truly whole in the mind, body and spirit. A person is whole when fully engaged in being One & flowing with the universe, trusting self-instinct, loving unconditionally and aligning the chakras.

It takes a very ready & courageous individual to break chains & cycles imprinted from repetitive cycles of unhealthy habits. Namaste Tribe shares practices passed down from tribes, elders, abuelos, medicine women, herbalism, plant medicine, Psychology, Reiki, Yoga, Ayurveda and validated scientific research.

Visit the events page & let’s get social @lovenamastetribe (IG & FB)

Love is….Beauty